PART 1298
Hikmah #12971
“Besides doing silent dhikrullah secretly
at least 9 thousand times daily, the then
ten-year-old Yos alias Sunan Pancalaku
also made a long resolution for himself
Must be close to Allah as Jonah did
then be close to Allah as Ezekiel did
then be close to Allah as Zechariah did
then be close to Allah as Jacob did
then be close to Allah as Aaron did
then be close to Allah as Solomon did
then be close to Allah as David did
Then be close to Allah as Joseph did
then be close to Allah as Lot did
then be close to Allah as Job did
then be close to Allah as Elisha did
then be close to Allah as Isaac did
then be close to Allah as Elijah did
then be close to Allah as John did.”
~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12972
“Then be close to Allah as Adam did
then be close to Allah as Enoch did
then be close to Allah as Noah did
then be close to Allah as Moses did
then be close to Allah as Abram did
then be close to Allah as Jesus did
then be close to Allah as Muhammad (s) did
Must be close to Allah as the Cherubim,
also known as Muqarraboon Angels, do
then be close to Allah as Artiya’iil does
then be close to Allah as Arfaa’iil does
then be close to Allah as Mikaa’iil does
then be close to Allah as Jibra’iil does
then be close to Allah as Izraa’iil does
then be close to Allah as Israfiil does
then be close to Allah as Ruhul Quddus does
then be close to Allah as Nur Muhammad does
alias entirely fanafillah through Nur Muhammad.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Jakarta, Moharram 5 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12973
“When you are focus to purify yourself
to become close to Allah, then you will
have no interest to criticize other about
their religiosity for ALLAH alone knows
the best who are much closer to HIM
Azazil alias Iblees finds himself more
religious because he had worshipped
ALLAH for over 125,000 years before
father Adam was created in heaven
O outward religious people! Do not
do the same mistake that Iblees does.”
~ Yos W Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12974
“Each soul has its own struggles
to get closer to Allah Mutakabbir
So, do not criticize other but help them
softly, gently how to get closer to Allah
Noah, Hod, Saleh, Shoaib, Moses,
David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha and
Muhammad (saws) were soft and
gentle to those who obeyed their
spiritual wisdom and as firm as a
rock in spiritual reformations and
so did Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob,
Isaiah, Zechariah, John, Jesus and
so does Sunan Pancalaku steadily.”
~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12975
“Sunan Pancalaku doesn’t care much about
worldly success but spiritual development
for once we fail here in this brief universe,
it will be much harder in the next universe
We wander from one universe to other
universes until we enter heaven or hell.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12976
“Spirituality that does not make you calm,
patient, soft-hearted, and gentle does not
come from Allah but from Iblees and from
his giant offspring Nephilim among the Jin
The Simurgh are among the Nephilim
Millions of Simurgh can be destroyed
by one Hafazaa angel only in seconds
Each person is accompanied by at least
two invisible Hafazaa angels in any time
Yet, Hafazaa will not help those who
follow and idolize Simurgh since they
worship Simurgh besides Allah AHAD.”
~ Yos W Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12977
“Those who deify other besides Allah
cannot accompany Sunan Pancalaku
They will be expelled from his circle
soon or later by Jibraeel, Mikaa’eel,
Izra’eel by the decree of Allah Qadir
Sunan Pancalaku cannot help them just as
Noah, Hod, Saleh, Shoaib, Moses and Elijah
who could not help those who deified other
besides Allah Ahad Allah Samad Allah Haqq
Adam, Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad (s)
cannot help them either no matter how
many zillion of times they make salawat.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 5 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12978
“Have much patience and faith in Allah as
Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Joseph, Job, and
Jesus had through fana-fi-nabi in them six,
then Iblees, billions of simurgh, Jin cannot
harm you but only disturb you sometimes
That is one among the reasons why the
then-ten-year-old Yos Sunan Pancalaku
committed to himself must to be fana-
finabi in all them six perfectly in stages
You may be weak physically due
to illness, age, and affliction but
never be weak & frail spiritually
Unfortunately, not many have that spirit,
so that Sunan Pancalaku must work and
fight alone often thru much meditations
even in illness to rescue souls spiritually.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12979
“To be a Satria Piningit alias Sunain alias
Spiritual Intelligence, you don’t need to
be strong physically but must be strong
spiritually by purifications of the heart,
mind, and soul by practicing Pancalaku
Sunan Pancalaku is the Father of millions
of future Satria Piningit just like Abraham
who is Father of over thousand prophets.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 5, 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12980
“If you see paradox about something or
someone in this deep fake century, and
you have no kashf and lataif knowledge
as that of Sunan Pancalaku, then apply
rational deduction based on empirical
facts and track histories of that person
since his childhood witnessed by good
honest people very close to him since
his childhood, youths, or since earlier
adulthood to detect if it is truth or lie
Anyone can use his/her logic thinking
except those who are hypnotized and
brainwashed by Iblees, Simurgh, and/
or Jinn followers with hidden agendas.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
“Indeed, We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment of stars. And as protection against every rebellious devil (shaytan maarid). [So] they may not listen to the exalted assembly [of angels] and are pelted from every side, Repelled; and for them is a constant punishment, Except one who snatches [some words] by theft, but they (shaytan maarid aka rebellious spirits of Nephilim) are pursued by a burning flame, piercing [in brightness].”
( Surat As-Saffaat verses 6-10 )