Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (33)



Hikmah #321

“Everyone can receive endless wisdom and advice directly from the

Spiritual Hearts of the Holy Prophets, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses,

Jesus Christ, Muhammad (SWS) and directly from the blessed hearts

of the deceased Awliya Allah such as Imam Ali, Al-Hassan, Al-Hussayn,

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Uways al-Qarani, Bayazid Bistami, Ali al-Kharqani,

Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, Abdul Khaliq Ghujdawani, Shah Naqshband and

others “only if” his or her heart is free from ego through fanafillah.


And no one can achieve fanafillah unless he or she becomes humble,

then truthful, then sincere and then zuhud first. That is so, because:

the top of being humble is the bottom of truthfulness (Siddiq)

the top of being truthful is the bottom of sincerity (Ikhlas)

the top of being sincere is the bottom of zuhud (which means

that the heart is not attached to anything but God), and

the top of being zuhud is the bottom of fanafillah


And at the bottom and up to the top of fanafillah,

one can receive the Lataif (Subtle) secrets from the

Spiritual Hearts of the Prophets and Awliya Allah

And at the top of fanafillah, one can receive

the Haqiqat (Essence) secrets directly from God.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )

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Warriors of Pure Love

‘O Lions of Allah, Warriors of Pure Love, Knights of Divine Love

Dearest United in Divine Love Sisters-Brothers all over the world,


As this bad servant, weak one has once mentioned it five-six years before

After receiving some visions through this dirty sick sinner’s heart before:


“The time has come, some of the hidden knights have been working since 1997

coming from seven continents. They are known among themselves but hidden

(unnoticed) to common people, they are men and women from different races,

nations and spiritual backgrounds, their number is no less than 144.000 of

righteous people, they fight with LOVE and Wisdom, their top leader is hidden



And I see the Lights of hidden Auliya Allah from Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Celtic

or Latins origin coming from these 7 Europe countries: England, Germany,

Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Italy and Spain.


And the lights of hidden Auliya Allah coming from these 7 Africa countries:

Egypt, Morocco, Senegal, Ethiopia, Malawi, Lesotho, South Africa. Continue reading

Lataif Aura of Saints of God

“All prophets are Awliya Allah but not all Awliya Allah are prophet

And there are Awliya who have more than one dominant lataif Auras

Like, for instance, Jesus Chirst, whose dominant lataif Auras are:

White, followed by Blue, then followed by Green lataif Aura

Which means that he has a huge cosmic Divine Love, supported

with vast Divine knowledge, supported with huge cosmic Divine Healing.


And the dominant lataif Auras of Abraham are white, blue, yellow

And the dominant lataif Auras of Moses are white and yellow

And the dominant lataif Auras of Abdul Qadir al-Jilani are white, green

And the dominant lataif Auras of Shah Naqshband are white, blue

And the dominant lataif Auras of Jalaluddin al-Rumi are blue, red

And the dominant lataif Auras of Siddhartha Gautama are blue, yellow

And the dominant lataif Auras of al-Khidr are green, black


Those with Black dominant lataif Aura are sometimes misunderstood

because they are completely united in the Divine Will

And the Divine Will is beyond logic and the human mind


Living Awliya Allah still receive wisdom from the deceased Awliya Allah

through dreaming their faces or seeing their eternal lataif Auras’ radiance.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – ) Continue reading

Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (32)



Hikmah #311

“Whatever spiritual path someone chooses will lead him or her to God.

If not, then it is not a spiritual path. True spiritual masters never need to

seek followers, but God Himself will guide and draw people from wide and

far through dreams and spiritual visions to seek and follow those saints.


There are many Awliya Allah (Saints of God) in this world, but the greatest

among them is the most humble, truthful, sincere, zuhud and egoless one

like Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammad (SWS).


Look at the face who teaches you, if his face make you to remember God

and see the blessing peaceful lights of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses,

Jesus Christ and Sayyidina Muhammad (SWS) through him then he is one

of the Awliya Allah and a true shaykh, or if you see the blessing peaceful

light of the Virgin Mother (of Jesus Christ) Mary (Maryam bint Imran)

through a woman who teach you, then she is also one of the Awliya Allah

and a true shaykhah.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )

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Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (31)



Hikmah #301

“Why do people become peaceful and happy whenever they look at or

imagine the faces of Awliya Allah, or reading or listening their words?

That is because the hearts, minds, souls of Awliya Allah are always in

remembering God. That makes their hearts, minds and souls peaceful

and happy and its peaceful light is reflected in their faces and words

and bring peace and happiness to those who look at or imagine their

faces, reading or listening their words. Be in the circle of Awliya Allah.

Their lights wash your heart, mind and soul from the darkness of ego

and bring peace and happiness within yourself and your Life for free.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Mengapa orang menjadi damai dan bahagia setiap kali mereka melihat

atau membayangkan wajah Wali Allah, atau membaca atau menyimak

kata-kata mutiara mereka? Hal itu karena hati, pikiran, jiwa Wali Allah

senantiasa dalam mengingat Allah. Yang membuat hati, pikiran dan jiwa

mereka damai dan bahagia dan Cahaya Kedamaiannya itu tercermin di

wajah dan kata-kata mereka dan membawa kedamaian dan kebahagiaan

kepada mereka yang memandang atau membayangkan wajah mereka,

membaca atau menyimak kata-kata mereka. Beradalah dalam lingkaran

Wali Allah. Cahaya mereka menyucikan hati, pikiran, jiwa dari kegelapan

ego dan membawa kedamaian dan kebahagiaan dalam diri (batin) dan

kehidupanmu secara cuma-cuma.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


“And Allah invites to the Home of Peace and guides whom He wills to a straight path.”

( Surat Yuunus verse 25 )

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Heavenly Secrets


DO YOU know what are those Secrets that were given by Shaykh Muhammad al-Baqi Billah (qs) to his successor Mujaddid Alf ath-Thani Shaykh Imam Rabbani Ahmad Sirhindi al-Faruqi (qs) and then to his successor, and then to his successor, and then to his successor, and then to his successor, and so on?

Those secrets are the Lataif Secrets. The Lataif secret was given from the spiritual heart of Prophet Muhammad (SWS) to his beloved successor Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r) and then to his successor, and then to his successor, and then to his successor, and then to his successor, and so on.
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Clean Heart (Safaa Albatin)

If you hear or read the sayings of a saint
and you understand the message
then you have got the knowledge.
you hear or read it and some blissful joy arise in your heart
and make yourself more humble and more aware in His presence

then you have got the wisdom.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi (Saturday Pahing, Muharram 5, 1395/January 18, 1975 – )

The celeberated sheikh and poet Abu Sa’id (died 1049) once said:“The true saint goes in and out amongst the people and eats and sleeps with them and buys and sells in the market and marries and takes part in social intercourse, and never forgets God for a single moment”. Abu Sa’id also reported that one day a man asked a sufi-master how to reach God: ‘The Way to God’ the master replied, ‘Are many as they are created beings. But the shortest and easiest is to serve others, not to bother others, and to make others happy.’ Continue reading

Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (30)



Hikmah #291

“There are people from east to west, from south to north, from around the world, who are openly expressing or silently saying in their hearts: ‘We love the Awliya Allah, we love the Awliya Allah, we love the Awliya Allah!’ The Awliya Allah hear that all. They are not spiritually deaf. And do you know what? Verily, the Awliya Allah love them all (the people) more than their (the people’s) love to them (the Awliya Allah).”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Ada orang-orang dari timur hingga barat, dari selatan hingga utara, dari seluruh dunia, yang secara terbuka mengekspresikan atau diam-diam mengatakan dalam hati mereka: ‘Kami mencintai para Wali Allah, kami mencintai para Wali Allah, kami mencintai para Wali Allah!’ Wali-Wali Allah mendengar itu semua. Mereka tidak tuli secara ruhani. Dan tahukah engkau? Sungguh Wali-Wali Allah menyayangi mereka semuanya melebihi cintanya orang-orang itu kepada para Wali Allah.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )

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Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (29)



Hikmah #281

“Don’t worry! A’wliya’ Allah never use their third eyes for worldly purpose.

They use them only to know, love and serve God better and better.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Jangan kuatir! Wali-Wali Allah tiada gunakan penglihatan batin mereka

untuk tujuan duniawi. Mereka menggunakannya hanya untuk mengenal,

mencintai dan melayani Allah dengan lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


Abu Said al Khudri (r) reported that the Prophet (SWS) said: “Fear the insight of the true believer (i.e. only follow God not their ego) for he sees (through the third eye/”Ajna”) with the light of Allah the Almighty the Majestic.” Then he read: “Surely! Therein is indeed a sign for the believers.” (Surah al Hijr:Verse 77).

~ Hadith Sunan at-Tirmidhi (Jami-al-Tirmidhi)

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Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (28)



Hikmah #271

“Today is the first day of the 1435th Muharram after Hegira

But in Heaven is still the same month of Muharram when our

father Adam (a’layhis salaam) and mother were created by God

Verily, we are heavenly descendants with worldly experience.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Hari ini adalah hari pertama Muharam 1435 setelah Hijriyah

Namun di Surga masih bulan Muharam yang sama dengan saat

ketika bapak kita Adam (a’layhis salaam) dan ibu kita diciptakan Allah

Sungguh, kita adalah keturunan surgawi dengan pengalaman duniawi.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


“And they urge you to hasten the punishment. But Allah will never fail in His promise. And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of those which you count.”

( Surat Al-Haj verse 47 )

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