Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (13)

Hikmah #121

“If your heart is full of pure Love then your words will be blessed and wide spread with the greatest love of LOVE.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Jika kalbumu penuh dengan Cinta Kasih Suci maka kata-katamu akan dirahmati dan tersebar luas dengan Cinta Teragung Yang Maha CINTA.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


Wahuwa alghafooru alwadood

“And He (Allah) is Oft-Forgiving, Ultimate LOVE.”

( Surat Al-Bur?j verse 14 )


“Dan Dia (Allah) Paling Maha Pengampun lagi Paling Maha CINTA.”

( QS Al-Bur?j ayat ke-14 )


Hikmah #122

“What we do is just sharing and spreading LOVE and God gives us more and more endless Love.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Apa yang kami lakukan hanyalah berbagi dan menyebarkan CINTA dan Allah memberi kami lebih dan lebih banyak Cinta (Rahmat-Karunia) tiada batas.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


“Say: “O my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

( Surat Az-Zumar verse 53 )


Hikmah #123

“Munchen, Hamburg, Volendam, London, Paris, Mecca, Madina,

This body was there, this soul was there, but this heart was not there.

It is with the Lord.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Munich, Hamburg, Volendam, London, Paris, Mekkah, Madinah,

Raga ini pernah ada di sana, jiwa ini pernah ada di sana, namun hati tidak.

Hati bersama Allah.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


“For every nation there is a direction to which they face (in their prayers). So hasten towards all that is good. Wheresoever you may be, Allah will bring you together (on the Day of Resurrection). Truly, Allah is Able to do all things.”

( Surat Al-Baqarah verse 148 )


[In German]

“Jeder hat eine Zielrichtung, zu der er sich hinwendet. So wetteifert nach den guten Dingen! Wo immer ihr auch sein werdet, Allah wird euch alle herbeibringen. Allah hat zu allem die Macht.”

( Surat Al-Baqarah vers 148 )


[In French]

“A chacun une orientation vers laquelle il se tourne. Rivalisez donc dans les bonnes oeuvres. Où que vous soyez, Allah vous ramènera tous vers Lui, car Allah est, certes Omnipotent.”

( Surat Al-Baqarah vers 148 )


[In Dutch]

“Ieder volk heeft eene richting van den hemel, waarheen het zijn gezicht wendt; keert u echter tot de betere, dan zal God u eens terugbrengen, waar gij ook zijn moogt; want God is almachtig.”

( Surat Al-Baqarah vers 148 )


Abu Hurayrah, radiyallahu a’nhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu a’layhi wasallam, said: “Allah the Almighty has said: ‘Whosoever acts with enmity towards a closer servant of Mine (wali), I will indeed declare war against him. Nothing endears My servant to Me than doing of what I have made obligatory upon him to do. And My servant continues to draw nearer to Me with supererogatory (nawafil) prayers so that I shall love him. When I LOVE him, I shall be his hearing with which he shall hear, his sight with which he shall see, his hands with which he shall hold, and his feet with which he shall walk. And if he asks (something) of Me, I shall surely give it to him, and if he takes refuge in Me, I shall certainly grant him it; and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him.'”

~ Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) [Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 8, Book 76, Number 509]


“If Allah would love his servant He would call Archangel Gabriel and tell him “I love this person, therefore love him.” And Jibraeel would love him and call out in the heavens “Allah loves this person, therefore love him.” And the inhabitants of the heavens would love him. Then he would be embraced by the people of this world.”

~ Sayyidina Muhammad SallAllahu a’layhi wa-sallam (Sahih Muslim)


Hikmah #124

“In Love everything is beautiful

In God’s presence, everything is more beautiful than ever,

because God is the Source of Love.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Dalam Cinta segalanya indah

Dalam hadirat Allah, segalanya lebih indah dari apa pun sebelumnya,

karena Allah adalah Sang Sumber Cinta.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


Wahuwa alghafooru alwadood

“And He (Allah) is Oft-Forgiving, Ultimate LOVE.”

( Surat Al-Bur?j verse 14 )


“Dan Dia (Allah) Paling Maha Pengampun lagi Paling Maha CINTA.”

( QS Al-Bur?j ayat ke-14 )


Hikmah #125

“Those who are really holy do not need to be known as saints

Those who are really wise do not need to be known as sage

Those who are really great do not need to be known as great man

Those who are really fanafillah do not need to be known at all

Because God and the angels have already made them to be known and be loved

in the hearts of all true God lovers.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Mereka yang benar-benar suci tidak perlu dikenali sebagai wali Allah

Mereka yang benar-benar bijaksana tidak perlu dikenali sebagai arif billah

Mereka yang benar-benar hebat tidak perlu dikenali sebagai orang besar

Mereka yang benar-benar fanafillah tidak perlu dikenali sama sekali

Karena Allah dan para malaikat sudah membuat mereka dikenali dan dicintai

dalam hati semua pencinta sejati Tuhan.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


Hikmah #126

“Qalandar, Uwaysi, Rijalul Ishraqiyyun are just titles

Real Qalandars, Uwaysi, Rijalul Ishraqiyyun do not care about titles

Their hearts, minds, souls, bodies are busy to help people

So as there is no empty space in their hearts and minds to care about titles.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Qalandar, Uwaysi, Rijalul Isyraqiyyun hanyalah gelar

Para Qalandar, Uwaysi, Rijalul Isyraqiyyun yang asli tidak peduli gelar

Hati, pikiran, jiwa, raga mereka disibukkan untuk membantu orang-orang

Sehingga tiada ruang kosong dalam hati dan pikiran mereka untuk peduli gelar.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


“And keep thy soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this Life; no obey any whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us, one who follows his Ego, whose case has gone beyond all bounds.”

( Surat Al-Kahf verse 28 )


“Dan bersabarlah kamu bersama-sama dengan orang-orang yang menyeru Tuhannya di pagi dan senja hari dengan mendambakan (bisa pandang) Wajah-Nya; dan janganlah kedua matamu berpaling dari mereka (karena) mengharapkan (kenikmatan sementara) perhiasan dunia ini; dan janganlah kamu mengikuti orang yang hatinya telah Kami lalaikan dari berdzikir, serta mengikuti Ego-nya dan adalah keadaannya itu melewati batas.”

( QS Al-Kahf ayat ke-28 )


Hikmah #127

“Refine your heart from anything but God then some of the Qalandars,

Uwaysi and Rijalul Ishraqiyyun from different parts of the world will come

to you spiritually and share their hidden knowledge for free.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Bersihkan kalbumu dari apa pun kecuali Allah maka beberapa Qalandars,

U’waysi dan Rijalul Isyraqiyyun dari berbagai belahan bumi akan secara

ruhani menemuimu dan berbagi ilmu-ilmu gaibnya secara cuma-cuma.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


“And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are (spiritually) alive with their Lord, receiving (spiritual ethereal) provision.”

( Surat ?’li `Imr?n verse 169 )


“The vision of the eye is limited; the vision of the heart (third eye) transcends all barriers of time and space.”

~ Sayyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib (kw)


Abi Sa’id al Khudri (ra) reported that the Prophet (saw) said: “Fear the insight of the true believer for he sees (through the third eye) with the light of Allah the Almighty the Majestic.” Then he read: “Surely! Therein is indeed a sign for the believers.” (Surah al Hijr:Verse 77).

~ Hadith Sunan at-Tirmidhi (Jami-al-Tirmidhi)


“And hold firmly to the (spiritual ethereal) cord of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought (spiritually) your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And (ethereally) you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.”

( Surat ?’li `Imr?n verse 103 )


“Allah said, ‘Truly, the heavens and the earth were too weak to contain Me, but the soft, humble heart of my believing slave contains Me’.”

~ Hadith Qudsi


Tabarani has related from Abu Utbah al-Khawlaanee (ra) from RasulAllah (saw) that, “Truly, Allah has vessels from amongst the people of the earth, and the vessels of your Lord are the hearts of his righteous slaves, and the most beloved of them to Him are the softest and most tender ones.”

~ Sayyidina Muhammad SallAllahu a’layhi wa-sallam, Al-Albani rates this hadith mentioned as Hasan [Sahih al-Jami al-Saghir, no. 2163; Silsilah al-Hadith al-Sahihah, no. 1691]


Hikmah #128

“Do not be sad! Fill your heart with Love and Light of God

Then every day is Ramadan, purified forever by the eternal Flame of God.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Jangan bersedih! Isilah hatimu dengan Cinta dan Cahaya Tuhan

Maka setiap hari adalah Ramadhan, disucikan selalu oleh Api Kekal Tuhan.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


Hikmah #129

“Do not hate each other and do not fear

Pure Love has no hate and fear.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Jangan saling membenci dan jangan takut

Cinta Suci tak punya Rasa Kebencian dan Ketakutan.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


Hikmah #130

“In the absence of love, know that LOVE is always with you.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


[In Bahasa]

“Dalam ketiadaan cinta, ketahuilah bahwa CINTA selalu bersamamu.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H – )


Wahuwa alghafooru alwadood

“And He (Allah) is Oft-Forgiving, Ultimate LOVE.”

( Surat Al-Bur?j verse 14 )


“Dan Dia (Allah) Paling Maha Pengampun lagi Paling Maha CINTA.”

( QS Al-Bur?j ayat ke-14 )


“If Allah would love his servant He would call Archangel Gabriel and tell him “I love this person, therefore love him.” And Jibraeel would love him and call out in the heavens “Allah loves this person, therefore love him.” And the inhabitants of the heavens would love him. Then he would be embraced by the people of this world.”

~ Sayyidina Muhammad SallAllahu a’layhi wa-sallam (Sahih Muslim)

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