Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (371)



Hikmah #3701

“Fanafillah is thru fanafinurmuhammad thru

fanafi-lataif thru fanafi-nabi thru fanafi-hadi.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3702

“Egoless in hadi (fanafihadi) is absorbing the

zuhud (empty the heart from anything but

God) quality of the man from the east until

you want nothing even heaven except God.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3703

“After you become zuhud as the man from

the east, you go up to heaven but deeper

in mind, heart, and soul to become fanafi

nabi, which is absorbing the servanthood

of one or some prophets of God until you

serve God just as the prophets served Him.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


“And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are (spiritually) alive with their Lord, receiving (spiritual ethereal) provision.”

( Surat Aa’li I’mraan verse 169 )


Hikmah #3704

“After you become fanafinabi, you go up to

higher heavens but deeper in mind, heart,

and soul by becoming fanafilataif, which is

absorbing the servanthood of one or some

angels till you serve God like the angels do,

which is always in constant dhikrullah while

guiding people to Him with love and mercy.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3705

“After you become fanafilataif, you go higher

to God’s Presence but deeper in mind, heart

and soul by becoming fanafi nurmuhammad,

which is absorbing the distinct servanthood

of Nur Muhammad which you will know after

entering the maqom of fanafinurmuhammad.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3706

“After you become fanafinurmuhammad, you

go higher to God’s Will but very deep in mind,

heart, and soul by becoming fanafillah, which

is absorbing the Will of God the One and feel,

hear, see, think, speak, act based on that Wil.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


“And Allah invites to the Home of Peace and guides whom He wills to a straight path.”

( Surat Yuunus verse 25 )


Hikmah #3707

“People may fanafi-hadi (egoless in a guide)

into any shaykh, teacher, master or spiritual

guide whom they love and trust him utmost.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3708

“If it does not work properly, they can fanafi

hadi to the Javanese Maitreya man from the

east for he is always open to any seeker and

never holds anyone to be always in his circle.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395H – )


Hikmah #3709

“People may come and stay or go, yet those who

go may come back to drink from the fountain of

the Maitreya Javanese single man from the east

anytime they need for free without need bayat.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3710

“Be like the Nature which is always useful for

all creations and can be enjoyed by anyone

for free. That is Pancalaku, the spirit of the

Maitreya Javanese calm man from the east.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


“O you who have believed, fear Allah and seek the means [of nearness through fana fi Awliya, fana fi nabi, fana fi lataif, fana fi Nur Muhammad] to Him and strive in His cause that you may succeed.”

( Surat Al-Ma’idaah verse 35 )

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