Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (1266)

PART 1266


Hikmah #12651

“When hundred or more souls with

different problems ask Wiyoso Hadi

for his spiritual support in the same

time, then he used to say it silently:


O Allah, I am weak and a sinner

Yet, people ask for my help

O Allah, help me in helping them


Then, Wiyoso Hadi Sunan Kasanpuro

recites Istighfar silently slowly inside

his unseen heart until he falls asleep


That is why Sunan Kasanpuro loves

to do silent istighfar extensively, so

that he could help more and more

souls worldwide through purifying

his soul first through sincere silent

istighfar billions of times each day.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )


Hikmah #12652

“If Allah is on your side, you

have all the helps you need


Be fanafillah through Pancalaku,

so that Allah is fully on your side.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )


Hikmah #12653

“There is Beauty and true Blessing in

respecting Diversity and Differences


It is the Way of Spiritual Grace

and also the Way of Pancalaku.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )


Hikmah #12654

“The Higher Lataif Knowledge given

by Sayyidina Nabi Muhammad saws

to Abubakr, Salman and Imam Ali is

transmitted to the pure lataif heart

of Imam Hassan to Imam Husayn to

Imam Ali Sajjad to Imam al-Baqir to

Imam Jafar as-Sadiq thru the line of

the Walisongo to Sunan Kasanpuro,

which he introduces it as Pancalaku.”

~ Yos Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #12655

“Nabi Muhammad (saws), Abubakr,

Salman and Imam Ali Asadullah are

all behind Wali Songo & Hudawwud

Sunan Kasanpuro thru Imam Hasan


Kasanpuro means from the House

or spiritual Line of Imam A-Hassan.”

~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #12656

“Sunan Kasanpuro is also known as

Sunan Pancalaku for he reveals the

lataif knowledge of Pancalaku Way


The Pancalaku Way is much blessed

by Nabi Muhammad (saws) through

Imam Hassan bin Ali ‘Asadullah thru

seven golden chain orders as follows:


1. Prophet Muhammad (saws)

2. Ali ibn Abi Talib (601-661)

3. Hassan ibn Ali (624-675)

4. Hussayn ibn Ali (625-680)

5. Ali Zaynal Abidin (659-713)

6. Muhammad al-Baqir (677-733)

7. Ja’far as-Sadiq (702-765)

8. Musa al-Kazim (745-799)

9. Ali ar-Rida (765-818)


Makrufiyya Chain Order (1)

10. Ma’ruf Ibn Fairuz al-Karkhi (750-815)

11. Abu’l Hasan al-Sirri Saqti (died 867)


Junaydiyya Chain Order (2)

12. Junayd al-Baghdadi Shafi’i (835-910)

13. Abu Bakr Shibli al-Maliki (861-946)

14. Abu’l Qasim al-Nasrabadi (died 978)

15. Abu Ali Hasan al-Daqqaq (died 1015)


Qushayriyya Chain Order (3)

16. Abdul Karim al-Qushayri (986-1073)

17. Abu Ali al-Fadl al-Farmadi (1042- 1117)


Ghazzaliyya Chain Order (4)

18. Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali (1058-1111)

19. Majd al-Din Ahmad Ghazzali (1061-1126)


Suhrawardiyya Chain Order (5)

20. Abdul Qahir Suhrawardi (1097-1168)

21. Ruzbihan al-Wazzan al-Misri (1188)

22. Ammar ibn Yasir al-Bidlisi (died 1200)


Kubrawiyya Chain Order (6)

23. Najmudin al-Kubra (1145-1220)

24. Majd al-Din Bagdadi (died 1220)

25. Najmudin Daya Razi (1177-1256)

26. Abdul Rahman Isfarayani (died 1295)

27. Ala’ud-Daula Simnani (1261-1336)

28. Ma’mud Mazdaqani (died 1364)

29. Mir Sayyid Ali Hamdani Shafi’i (1314-1384)

30. Jumadil Kubra (died in Trowulan, 1374)


Walisongo Chain Order (7)

31. Malik Ibrahim al-Kashan Gresik (died 1419)

32. Sunan Gisik (Son-in-law of Sunan Gresik)

33. Sunan Ampel (little brother of Sunan Gisik)

34. Sunan Giri (Nephew of Sunan Gresik)

35. Sunan Ngudung (Son of Sunan Gisik)

36. Sunan Mandalika (Son of Sunan Gisik)

37. Sunan Bonang (Son of Sunan Ampel)

38. Sunan Drajat (Son of Sunan Ampel)

39. Raden Patah (Son-in-law of Sunan Ampel)

40. Sunan Kudus (Son of Sunan Ngudung)

41. Sunan Gunungjati (died 1569)

42. Raden Said Sunan Kalijaga

43. Umar Said Sunan Muria.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )


Hikmah #12657

“Sunan Muria had many students, including:

Panembahan Wirasmara bin Sunan Prawoto

bin Sultan Trenggono bin Sultan Raden Patah


Kalijaga-Pancalaku Branch

44. Panembahan Wirasmara

45. Pangeran Demang I (Raden Djalu)

46. Pangeran Demang II (Raden Demang)

47. Kyai Ageng Ngabdul Mursjad

48. Kyai Ageng Anom Besari

49. Kyai Ageng Basyariyah

50. Kyai Maklum Ulama

51. Kyai Mustaram

52. Kyai Muhammad

53. Ki Onggoleksono

54. Ki Jayanadi ad-Darveshi

55. Ki Wangsa Jayanadi (1930 – 2006)

56. Sunan Pancalaku (1975 – …..)


Sunan Pancalaku is Sunan Kasanpuro.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #12658

“The 13 Wali Pancalaku Circle

has six different color versions


The yellow version symbolizes the

lataif power of Makrufiyya Golden

Chain within the Pancalaku Chain


The silver version expresses the Lataif

power of the Junaydiyya, Qushayriyya,

and Ghazzaliyya Golden Chains within

the Dignified Pancalaku Golden Chain.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #12659

“The red version embodies the Lataif

power of the Suhrawardiyya Golden

Chain in the Grand Pancalaku Chain


The lavender violet and yellow versions

embody the lataif power of Kubrawiyya

Golden Chain in Pancalaku Noble Chain


The lime and green versions signify the

huge lataif power of Walisongo Golden

Chain within the Lofty Pancalaku Chain.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )


“Say (O Muhammad): ‘This is my way: I call (people) to God with insight, I and those (saints or messengers who are NOT Prophets) who follow me.'”

( Surat Yusuf verse 108 )

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