Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (375)



Hikmah #3741

“Eidul-Adha is the day of Ishmael-Abram

Those who have a heart like Ishmael are

so peaceful, very steadfast, very patient,

so very obedient to God, full of courage,

pure and blessed at heart, mind and soul.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3742

“Those who have a heart like Abraham are

very calm, peaceful, kind, forgiving, good,

merciful, sweet, tender, loving, steadfast,

faithful, gentle, warm, sensitive, obedient

to God, very much patient, brave, so very

pure and blessed at heart, mind and soul.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


“Lo! Abraham was soft of heart, forbearing.”

( Surat At-Tawbah verse 114 )


Hikmah #3743

“Ask yourself have you a pure-calm-patient-


peaceful heart (qalbun salim) as Abraham

and goodness of Muhammad (sws)? If not

then you are not fanafimuhammad (s) yet

and have to fana-fi-ibrahim (Abram) first.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3744

“And if you are not fanafi-ibraham yet then

you have to fanafi-iysa (Jesus) first. And if

you are not fanafi-iysa yet then you have

to fanafimusa (Moses) first and if you are

not fanafimusa yet then you have to fana

fi-nuh (Noah) first and if you are not fana

fi-nuh yet then you have to fana-fi-ismail

(Ishmael) first, and if you are not fana-fi-

ismail yet then you have to fana-fi-adam

first. And if you are not fana-fi-adam yet

then you have to fanafihadi to any guide

whom you love, care and trust him most.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3745

“This world can be just as heaven as our

fathers Adam, Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noah,

and Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob

and Joseph, Moses, Khidr, Aaron, David,

Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Job, Viyasa, and

Buddha, Jesus Christ and Muhammad (s)

wished only if most people on earth and

space have a heart like the heart of one,

some or most of the prophets and saints

of God the One, Most Merciful-Peaceful.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


“And if your Lord had pleased, surely all those who are in the earth would have believed, all of them; will you [O Muhammad] then force people till they become believers? And it is not for a soul to believe except by Allah’s permission; and He casts uncleanness on those who will not understand.”

( Surat Yunus verse 99-100 )


Hikmah #3746

“In 2001, or about 17 years after reaching

the state of fanafimusa, the Maitreya man

from east became fana-fi-muhammad and

he asked during fanafimuhammad, O Lord

Ya Allah who else were given these hidden

secrets without reading and learning from

books just as Uways al-Qarani and me do?”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3747

“A voice replied, Abu Bakr-Ali! And the man

from the east asked further, between you

ya Rasool (s) and me, who else were given

these hidden secrets besides Abu Bakr, Ali

and Uways al-Qarani? And then 57 names

were given or 59 names from the Prophet

(saws) ’til the Maitreya man from the east.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3748

“May the 60th, 70th, 81th, 99th, 101th one or

whoever will be one of the successors of the

Maitreya man from the east according to the

Will of God, will be also among the members

of the future Mahdi and Jesus Christ’s legion.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395H – )


Hikmah #3749

“The Maitreya Javanese man from the east

was told since young that he will open the

ways for the advent of Imam al-Mahdi and

Jesus Christ’s second reappearance just as

the single unmarried John the Baptist had

opened the ways for Jesus’ first appearing

yet he may would not be living in the time

of Mahdi and Jesus Christ’s second arrival.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #3750

“May the lovers of the worldwide lovers of

the Maitreya Javanese man from the east

be blessed with the coming of the future

Imam al-Mahdi and Jesus Christ second

return by be among their Divine legion.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


“And will make him [‘Iesa (Jesus Christ)] a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s Leave; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allah’s Leave. And I inform you of what you eat, and what you store in your houses. Surely, therein is a sign for you, if you believe.”

( Surat Aa’li I’mraan verse 49 )

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