Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (636)



Hikmah #6351

“Many innocent people died in war

during the time of Muhammad (s).”

~ Yos Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6352

“Even if there is no war, those who are

destined to die on that day will die on

that day not from war but from other

cause for who and when one will pass

away is based on the will of Allah, and

not based on the will of the holy spirit,

the angels, prophets, nor awliya Allah.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6353

“What we and the awliya Allah can do

is to stop war so that people will not

die from wars but from other causes.”

~ Yos Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6354

“Stop war by being fanafillah and teach

and raise more children of Adam to be

fana-fillah for in all the seven heavens

there is no war in heavens for all souls

in heaven are in the state of fanafillah.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


“No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah . And whoever believes in Allah – He will guide his heart. And Allah is Knowing of all things.”

( Surat Taghabun verse 11 )


Hikmah #6355

“Jews who do not show empathy and

justice to the other children of Adam

and Eve are cursed by Moses himself.”

~ Yos Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6356

“Hindus who do not show care

to other children of Adam are

cursed by sage Vyasa himself.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6357

“Buddhists who do not show compassion

to other children of Adam are cursed by

wise Buddha Siddharta Gotama himself.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6358

“Christians who do not show love

to all the other children of Adam

are cursed by holy Jesus himself.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6359

“Muslims who do not show mercy

to the other children of Adam are

cursed by Muhammad (s) himself.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6360

“Huddawud responds it with saying Ameen

and when Hudawwud says Ameen, angels

and prophets also say ameen for he says it

in the state of fanafi Allah to bring justice,

peace, and divine harmony into the world.”

~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


“O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.”

( Surat An-Nisaa’ verses 1 )

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