Kumpulan Hikmah Pancalaku (694)



Hikmah #6931

“Doing silent dhikrullah at the Maqam

of “Pangeran Timur” (“Prince of East”)

Panembahan Madiun Ronggo Jumeno

opens more heavenly secrets to Abdul

Haqq Hudawwud Huwaduud, yet they

cannot be revealed to the public now.”

~ Yos Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6932

“Hudawwud prayed to Allah to grant

the best for Pangeran Timur Ronggo

Jumeno in the world of spirits and in

the hereafter and to bless him more.”

~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6933

“Pangeran Timur Ronggo Jumeno is

the first Regent of Madiun, a saint,

a great commander in battlefields,

and one of the descendants of the

Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah (s)

thru the line of his noble maternal

great grandfather Sunan Ampel (q).”

~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )


“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over a white except by piety and good action.”

~ Muhammad (saws) 9 DhulHijjah 10 AH (9 March 632) at Mount Arafat


Hikmah #6934

“Hudawwud is connected to Prophet

Muhammad (s) and Walisongo thru

Pangeran Timur thru the Kasanpuro

Chain in which peaceful Hudawwud

is the grandson of Kasbi Kasanpuro I.”

~ Yos Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6935

“The maqam of Kasanpuro and his

two wives are surrounded by trees.”

~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6936

“The maqam of Kasbi Kasanpuro is

in between the maqam of his first

wife Sutilah and the maqam of his

second wife Binti Jayanadi as-Sufi.”

~ Yos Hadi (Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6937

“The maqam of Kasanpuro and his

two wives are simple since zuhud

humble people love things simple.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6938

“The Javanese word ‘Kasbi’ is derived

from the Arabic word “Hasbi”, while

the word ‘Kasan’ is derived from the

Arabic word “Hasan”, so Kasanpuro

means the fortress (pura) of Hasan.”

~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6939

“Hudawwud is one of the grandsons

of Kasanpuro I from his determined

second wife Binti Jayanadi Darveshi.”

~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )


Hikmah #6940

“While Wangsa Jayanadi is the

little brother of Binti Jayanadi.”

~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (1395AH – )


“And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the mother language of his people to state clearly for them, and Allah sends astray [thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.”

( Surat ‘Ibrahim verse 4 )

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